Discussion at hillsceneLIVE 2015 - Navigating Personal Territories
The 2017 Critical Conversations
Each year we look to delve deeper into the minds of the artists, explore the responses from the audience and discover new points of view through our critical conversations. This year it was very hard to narrow down the plethora of juicy ideas, thoughts, challenges down to three topics but here's our tasty selection:
Risk it all
Saturday 11 Nov @12pm
hillsceneLIVE supports bold risky work... but why? This is the chance to delve into the pros and cons of making risky art. What support needs to be in place to do it right? How does an audience engage with work that's on the edge?
Facilitated by the always adventurous Natalie Smith, the panel will include three programmed artists whose works are a little risque!
The Invitation
Sunday 12 Nov @12pm
When you're making unconventional work in an unconventional venue, how do you get the audience to engage in your art? In this conversation we are looking at the many ways in which artists invite you into their work and sharing some of the responses to those invitations.
Facilitated by the always welcoming Renate Crow & Justine Walsh, the panel will include three programmed artists whose works beckon you in.
Site-responsive work and its meaning
Sunday 12 Nov @5pm
When the theme of your festival is '...because we don't know what it is yet', you're guaranteed to find work that has been created in a site responsive process, but what does that mean? What is so exciting about this way of creating that has so many artists stepping up to the challenge? Maybe we will find out in this conversation...
Facilitated by the graceful Meiki Apted, the panel will include three programmed artists that have used the venue as part of their work.
Risk it all
Saturday 11 Nov @12pm
hillsceneLIVE supports bold risky work... but why? This is the chance to delve into the pros and cons of making risky art. What support needs to be in place to do it right? How does an audience engage with work that's on the edge?
Facilitated by the always adventurous Natalie Smith, the panel will include three programmed artists whose works are a little risque!
The Invitation
Sunday 12 Nov @12pm
When you're making unconventional work in an unconventional venue, how do you get the audience to engage in your art? In this conversation we are looking at the many ways in which artists invite you into their work and sharing some of the responses to those invitations.
Facilitated by the always welcoming Renate Crow & Justine Walsh, the panel will include three programmed artists whose works beckon you in.
Site-responsive work and its meaning
Sunday 12 Nov @5pm
When the theme of your festival is '...because we don't know what it is yet', you're guaranteed to find work that has been created in a site responsive process, but what does that mean? What is so exciting about this way of creating that has so many artists stepping up to the challenge? Maybe we will find out in this conversation...
Facilitated by the graceful Meiki Apted, the panel will include three programmed artists that have used the venue as part of their work.